
Gamattica was born in 2017 as Adrián Castro and Iván Cerezo put thier work and excitement together with David Daza and Santiago Rodríguez to publish Swipe Cards, a mechanical prototipe.

Three years later, Iván, as solo developer, took over the brand using all the experience, knowledge, strengths and contacts collected during his journey as researcher, teacher and Unity developer to make critical, commited and fun games.


It is up to both game designers and game players to keep simulation as a form of entertainment or to turn it into a subversive way of contesting the inalterability of our lives.

Gonzalo Frasca

Wanting something does not give you the right to have it.

Ezio Auditore, Assassin’s Creed 2

Molleindustria is theory and practice of soft conflict – sneaky, viral, guerrillero, subliminal conflict – through and within videogames.


There is no game without players.